Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wound Care and Far-Reaching Messages of Hope

Ema has a wound care nurse that comes once a week to check on her surgery site on her leg. The nurse is very kind and helpful, making sure we have the supplies we need to tend to the wound as well as educating us on the proper care. We are seeing progress in this area - no details here, but the wound is finally starting to heal! The pain in her leg is still bad though, and we are seeking a convenient physical therapy option.

It's been an amazing year. "Traumatic" is the first word that comes to mind. Being able to share these journal entries with everyone has been such an important part of coping with all of the stress. It's heart-warming to see that this blog not only gets regular visits from our family and friends, but also from people all over the world. Whoever you are in Finland that keeps checking the site - hello!

For all of you fighting the fight of your lives - keep it up. Or as Ema would say, "Keep holding on."

Until next time. . .

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