Saturday, May 17, 2008

PET Scan - Not Fun!

Ema had a PET scan on Thursday that took four and a half hours. The lab technician tried to hook up the I.V. for the contrast fluid several times, each one without any luck. Ema's veins have been so weakened by her previous chemotherapy 15 years ago, that she is considered a 'very hard stick' in phlebotomist's terms.

So, after an hour or so of being a human pin cushion, they decided to go ahead and use her medi-port. They wanted to avoid using the medi-port because those can sometimes give false-positive readings.

We should get the results back by the middle of next week, but we won't freak out if there are areas of concern. The false-positive possibility would then make us have to get yet another PET scan to test against. Fun stuff.

But, that being said, our spirits are high, and we are so looking forward to our oldest boy's 11th birthday party today at Ema's sister's house. Linda was so kind to open her doors to a dozen screaming tweens - thanks Linda!


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